COSC 576 Computational Tools for Bioinformatics
Last modified: "April 10 , 2008 09:28:24 by evett"
Textbook:Michael Moorhouse and Paul Barry, Bioinformatics, Biocomputing and Perl , Wiley, 2004.
Recommended text: James
Tisdall, Mastering Perl for Bioinformatics, O'Reilly, 2003.
Look for any
symbols below!
There is info about the webcaucus, below!
Lecture Notes
Some of the code in the lecture notes is borrowed from the textbooks from last year's course: James
Tisdall, Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics, O'Reilly, 2001 and James Tisdall, Mastering Perl for Bioinformatics, O'Reilly, 2003.
- Here is an example of Perl session, illustrating
some of the basic datatypes in Perl.
- Source code for Tisdall's Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics
- Perl Lecture 1.
- Perl Lecture 1.1.
- Perl regular expressions.
- Perl Debugger.
- Arrays as arguments. A small program demonstrating
how arrays are passed as arguments to subroutines.
- Perl Lecture 2. Random numbers, FASTA
- Perl Lectures 3. Restriction
maps and regular expressions. Parsing GenBank records.
- Perl Lecture 4. Protein Data
- Perl Lecture 5, BLAST.
- Source
code for Mastering Perl for Bioinformatics. Just download and unzip it.
- Perl Lecture 6, Modules.
- Perl Lecture 7, Data Structures.
- Perl Lecture 8, Approximate String
- Perl Lecture 9, Object oriented programming
- Perl Lecure 10, Inheritance and
- Perl Lecture 11, A Significant
Class: Restriction Maps
- Perl Lecture 12, Accessing the Web
with Perl
- Perl
Lecture 13, Graphics and Perl with GD
- A Perl
- A Perl Reference
- Old Perl notes from COSC633
To submit assignments, go to
- Perl #1, Reverse Complements, due Thursday, January 22.
- Perl #2, Student Accounts, due Tuesday,
February 3, 11:59 PM.
- Perl #3, Atom Locality, due Friday, February
20, 3:00 PM.
- Perl #4, Practicing Object Oriented Programming, due April 3rd
- Perl #5, BLAST DB via the Web
Notes on assignments, in general
Programming and other assignments should be completed by each student on their
own. It is expressly forbidden for students to collaborate on assignments without
the express permission of the instructor. A few friendly pointers and a bit of
advice is fine, but "borrowing" or copying another's work is grounds for punitive
action, including a failing grade and possible expulsion from the University.
Grading of programming assignments
As specified in the course syllabus, program functional
correctness accounts for only about 80% of the grade assigned to a program. The
remainder of the grade accounts for the program's style (including header and
in-line comments, indentation, identifier names) and design (how you decompose
the solution, what classes you use, etc.)
Feel free to make use of the web caucus for this class to discuss problems you
are having with assignments, etc. To use the webcaucus, you must have a working
EMU e-mail account (you can get one for free at the library, if you don't already
have one). The URL is Once there, you want to register for
the COSC576_W04 caucus.
Programming Environment
While students may certainly use their own PCs to develop and test their programming
assignments, the final version of the programs must be executable under linux,
using the most recent Perl release. We will examine how to ensure this during
the course.
One of the easiest ways to install Perl on your PC (not Macs) is to install
Cygwin. This has the side benefit of providing a Unix-like command line interface to your PC. Here is a short explanation of how to
install Cygwin on your PC.
All programming projects shall be written in Perl or Java, using only the libraries
explicitly permitted by the instructor.
Here is an excellent
web page, created by Dr. John Remmers providing many links to Perl