COSC 341/342 WI09 Home Page
Current Courses
Course Archive
Brain Play
Beyond the Box
COSC 341 Programming Languages / COSC 342 Programming Languages for Educators
T Th 11:00 - 12:15 pm; 302 PH
: Scott,
Programming Language Pragmatics
, 2nd Ed, Morgan Kaufmann
1. Lecture notes and recordings
for April 14, 2009: subroutines.
Directory for April 7
Directory for April 2
(flow control)
Directory for March 5, 2009
(a bit on decorating trees)
2. Assignments
3. Projects
Project 3: Python
Due 4/7/09
Project 2.5: more Lisp
Due 3/3/09 (before #2 !)
Project2: Lisp
. Due 3/5/09
Project 1: Interpreter
. New due date: March 5, 2009.
4. Tests, old tests, suggestions for tests
Final: A collection of practice problems -- not vetted for typos, but you get the drift.
Click here
Test #2: 4/9/09, open book/notes, covers chapter 4, 5, 6, part of 7 (no language)
Look at "check your understanding" after many of the sections.
5. General
Syllabus and Calendar
Style Standards
6. Resources
Common Lisp functions
Review of new Data Structures Textbook -- extra credit
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