Matt Evett's Publications

T. Fernandez and M. Evett, "Improving the Discovery of Numeric Constants in GP", Genetic Programming 1998: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference, Koza et al, editors, Morgan Kaufmann, 1998.

M.Evett, T.Khoshgoftar, P.Chien and E.Allen, "GP-based software quality prediction",Genetic Programming 1998: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference, Koza et al, editors, Morgan Kaufmann, 1998.

M. Evett and T. Fernandez, "Numeric Mutation: Improved Search in Genetic Programming", Proceedings of the 11th International FLAIRS conference, AAAI Press, 1998.

T. Fernandez and M. Evett, "Numeric mutation as an improvement to symbolic regression in genetic programming", Proceedings of Evolutionary Programming '98, Morgan Kaufman, 1998.

Monika Saksena and Maria Larrondo-Petrie and Robert France and Matthew Evett, "Extending the Notion of Aggregation in UML", Proceedings of the UML'98 International Workshop, 1998.

T.M. Khoshgoftaar, M.P. Evett, E.B. Allen, P-D Chien, "An Application of Genetic Programming to Software Quality Prediction", Technical report, TR-CSE-97-60, Florida Atlantic Univ, September 1997.

R. France, M. Evett and E. Grant, "Towards Semantic-Based Object-Oriented CASE Tools", Proceedings Automated Software Engineering --- ASE'97, 12th IEEE International Conference, IEEE, 1997.

R. France, M. Evett and E. Grant, "Towards Semantic-Based Object-Oriented CASE Tools", technical report TR-CSE-97-49, Dept. Computer Science & Engineering, Florida Atlantic Univ., 1997.

Y. Xu and M. Evett, "Parallelization of the canal subsystem of the Everglades Landscape Model", technical report TR-CSE-97-42, Dept. Computer Science & Engineering, Florida Atlantic Univ., 1997.

K. Stoffel, M. Evett and J. Hendler, "A polynomial-time inheritance algorithm based on inferential distance", technical report TR-CSE-97-40, Dept. Computer Science & Engineering, Florida Atlantic Univ., 1997.

M. Evett and T. Fernandez, "A distributed system for genetic programming that dynamically allocates processors", technical report TR-CSE-97-39, Dept. Computer Science and Engineering, Florida Atlantic University, 1997.

T. Fernandez and M. Evett, "The Impact of Training Period Size on the Evolution of Financial Trading Systems," Proceedings of the Second Genetic Programming Conference, AAAI Press, 1997.

M.P. Evett and T. Fernandez "A distributed system for genetic programming that dynamically allocates processors," Proceedings of the AAAI-97 Workshop on Bounded Resource Reasoning Systems, AAAI Press, 1997.

Evett, M.P. PARKA: A System for Massively Parallel Knowledge Representation, Ph.D. dissertation, 1994

Evett, M.P., Hendler, J.A. and Spector, L. "Knowledge Representation on the Connection Machine," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC) Vol. 22(2), Aug. 1994, pp 168-184.

Kettler, B.P., Hendler, J.A., Andersen, W.A., and Evett, M.P. "Massively Parallel Support for a Case-based Planning System". IEEE Expert, Feb. 1994, pp. 8-14.

Evett, M.P., Hendler, J.A., Mahanti, A. and Nau, D. "PRA*: Massively Parallel Heuristic Search," JPDC, 25, No.2 (March), 1995.

Evett, M.P., Andersen, W.A. and Hendler, J.A. Massively Parallel Support for Efficient Knowledge Representation, Parallel Processing for Artificial Intelligence, L. Kanal, H. Kitano, V. Kumar and C. Suttner (eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1994. Figures for this paper.

Andersen, W.A, Hendler, J.A., Evett, M.P., and Kettler, B.P. Massively Parallel Knowledge Matching Queries, Massively Parallel Artificial Intelligence, H. Kitano and J. Hendler (eds.), M.I.T. Press, 1994.

Evett, M.P., Andersen, W.A. and Hendler, J.A., "Massively Parallel Support for Computationally Effective Recognition Queries," Proceedings of the Eleventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-93), AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, 1993.

Evett, M.P., Andersen, W.A. and Hendler, J.A., "Massively Parallel Support for Efficient Knowledge Representation," Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-93), Morgan Kaufmann, Denver, 1993.

Last modified: "July 8, 1998 17:43:13 by matt"