Review Topics for 1st Midterm
Basically, you want to review the textbook, chapters 1-3, omitting all optional sections (marked with a star in the text) unless I indicate otherwise, below.
Optional sections to review:
- "More Assignment Statements", pg. 19 ( x+=5, etc.)
- Parentheses and Precedence Rules, pg. 24.
Sections you should review, especially:
- Round-off errors, pg. 27
- Type casting, pg 29
- String processing, pg. 43
- Nested statements, pg. 98
- Pitfall: Using = in place of ==, pg. 108
- Lexicographic vs. alphabetical order, pg. 110
- Short-circuited evaluation, 118
- Nested loops, 139
- Debugging techniques, 145-149
The self-test exercises scattered throughout the text are great for studying. Note that the answers to these are at the end of chapter.