Band Booster

In this exercise, you will write a class that models a band booster and use your class to update sales of band candy.

  1. Write a BandBooster class assuming a band booster object is described by two pieces of instance data: name (a String) and boxesSold (an integer that represents the number of boxes of band candy the booster has sold in the band fundraiser). Each instance data declaration must be private and have an explanatory in-line comment. If you'd like to know a bit more about private instance variables, see this help page. The class should have the following methods:

  2. Write driver class, SellCandy, that uses BandBooster objects to track the sales of 3 band boosters over several weeks. Your program (i.e., SellCandy) should do the following:
  3. Submit a transcript showing two runs of your program, each of which represents at least a four week span. Make sure that your code conforms to the indentation and comment conventions of the textbook. Submit to the dropbox a zip file containing you transcript and the two java files.