Project 1 (Ch. 1) Lab Exercises

To hand in:

You will be submiting to Canvas a zip file containing a set of Java files, as well as a lab document (a Word document) Project1.docx. The lab document should have one section for each of the rows in the table below. Each section should have a title equal to the corresponding value in the "Lab Exercises" column in the table below. Make sure your name is at the top of the lab document and in the header comment of each Java file that you submit.

Each of the links below leads to a web page detailing one section of this lab. For each of those web pages you will submit either a .java file and/or a written answer to questions posed on that page. Written answers will be provided in your lab document. As an example, "A first program" should result in you including the file "" in your zip file, and "Comments" should result in a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 5 in three different languages, etc. Each web page lists what you should hand in. It is important that the sections of your lab document appear in the same order as in the table below. Not following these instructions may result in a debit to your grade.

Topics Prelab Exercises Lab Exercises
Printing strings A first program
Documentation Comments
Identifiers Identifiers
Syntax errors Recognizing Errors
Correcting Errors