Programming Assignment #1

Last modified: "September 27, 1996 16:54:46 by matt"

Due: beginning of class, Tuesday 9/17.

From Graham's ANSI Common Lisp: Ch.2: 7-9; Ch.3: 1,3,5; Ch. 4: 1,2,4.

2.7: Using only operators introduced in this chapter (LET, DO, etc.), define a function that takes a list as an argument and retursn true if one of its elements is a list.

2.8 Give iterative and recursive definitions of a function that:
(a) takes a positive integer and prints that many dots.
(b) takes alist and returns the number of times the symbol a occurs in it.

2.9 A friend is trying to write a function that returns the sum of all the non-nil elements in a list. He has written two versions of this function, and neither of them work. Explain what's wrong with each, and give a correct version:

(a) (defun summit (lst)
      (remove nil lst)
      (apply #'+ lst))
(b) (defun summit (lst)
      (let ((x (car lst)))			
	(if (null x)				
	    (summit (cdr lst))			
	  (+ x (summit (cdr lst))))))
3.1 Show the following in box notation:
  1. (a b (c d))
  2. (a (b (c (d))))
  3. (((a b) c) d)
  4. (a (b . c) . d)
3.3 Define a function that takes a list and returns a list indicating the number of times each (using eql test) element appears, sorted from most common element to least common:
> (occurrences '(a b a d a c d c a))
((A . 4) (C . 2) (D . 2) (B . 1))
3.5 Suppose the function pos+ takes a list of returns alist of each element plus its position:
> (pos+ '( 7 5 1 4))
(7 6 3 7)
Define this function using (a) recursion, (b) iteration, (c) mapcar.

4.1 Define a function to take a square array and returns the array, rotated 90 degrees clockwise. You'll need array-dimensions (pg. 361).

4.2 Read the description of reduce on page 368 and 69, then use it to define:

  1. copy-list
  2. reverse (for lists)
4.4 Define a function that takes a BST and returns a list of its elements ordered from greatest to least.