Lisp Project #2,  The Bank

Due: Monday, February 21

Write a Lisp program that interprets an input file detailing the creation of bank accounts, withdrawals and deposits to and from those accounts, and printing of the balances of accounts.  The data of each account should be stored in a structure.  The structures should be organized into an association list, keyed by the account owner's name.

You must provide a function named MAIN, which takes a single argument, the name of the input file.

For extra credit (a full grade increase to any programming assignment), store the data not in an association list, but in a binary search tree, sorted by the account owner's name.
  Additional extra credit (a half grade increase to any programming assignment) will be awarded to any program not using any global variables, but one, the association list of accounts.

The input file:

Each line of the input file will be of one of five types (and formats)

Lisp you will need:


You might also want to use FORMAT, to generated formatted output for your tables.

Recommended course of action:

Write a simple version of MAIN that simply opens the file of the given name, and reads the contents of the file, one symbol at a time, printing those symbols.  For example, say I created a file "D:/Matt/test.txt" containing:

new bob 100
deposit bob 150

then called (main "D:/Matt/test.txt"), this should generate the output:


Next, try implementing the system using an association list.  There is info on association lists on CMU's on-line version of ClTl2.  The key operators with association lists (or "a-lists") are ACONS and ASSOC.  Here is a simple explanation of their workings:

acons key datum a-list
acons constructs a new association list by adding the pair (key . datum) to the old a-list.

assoc item a-list &key :test :test-not :key
assoc-if predicate a-list
assoc-if-not predicate a-list
Each of these searches the association list a-list. The value is the first pair in the a-list such that the car of
the pair satisfies the test, or nil if there is no such pair in the a-list.

You'll want to keep the transactions for each account in a list, probably, to facilitate the PRINT operator.

Sample Input

new bob 100
deposit bob 150
new sue 300
draw sue 50
draw bob 70
new tom 500
print bob
new emma 400
printall (> balance 199)
deposit bob 100
printall (and (> balance 199) (string< name "PPP"))

Sample Output

Account opened for BOB in the amount of $100.
Account for BOB is creditted $150, leaving a balance of $250.
Account opened for SUE in the amount of $300.
Account for SUE is debitted $50, leaving a balance of $250.
Account for BOB is debitted $70, leaving a balance of $180.
Account opened for TOM in the amount of $500.

The account belonging to BOB currently has a balance of $180.
  The transactions on this account are:

  Trans     Amt   Bal
  DEPOSIT   100   100
  DEPOSIT   150   250
  DEBIT      70   180

Account opened for EMMA in the amount of $400.
The following accounts satisfy the given s-expression, (> BALANCE 199):

Account for BOB is creditted $100, leaving a balance of $280.
The following accounts satisfy the given s-expression,