Project: Current Research

due Tuesday, June 26

Write a 7-10 page paper (minimum 2000 words) investigating recent research into fault-tolerant systems or distributerd deadlock coordination.

Use the papers handed out in class (Lamport et al's "The Byzantine Generals Problem", and Obermarck's "Distributed Deadlock Detection System") as springboards to discover and investigate at least two related papers. These papers must have been written in the last 10 years or so. Your paper should consist, at a minimum, of about a one page summary of each of the four papers, while the remainder of the paper should attempt to compare and contrast the results of the new paper to the old.

Possible issues:

In grading your paper I'll be looking at how creatively you can discuss the papers in relation to each other, in addition to how well you summarize the research in each. Citations should be in a consistent, recognized style, such as MLA, APA, ACM or Chicago.

Use Halle library's access to the ACM database of articles to discover the related papers. You might look for papers that cite one or both of the papers handed out in class. Or you might explore by keyword or phrase.

Extra Credit: If you hand in the paper on the 21st, or if you use more than two new papers, I will provide extra credit.