What, you want to just study algorithms and proper programming technique all the time?? Wouldn't you be more interested in creating live animation and photo-realistic imagery?
We're using a new textbook and graphics library this year: Students will jump directly into creating interactive graphics programs, and three-dimensional animation using the Open GL graphics library (the same language used to develop images on Silicon Graphics hardware).
The computer action games Quake and Quake II (as well as many others) were
developed in Open GL.
As the course progresses, students will learn the concepts behind computer graphics, such as transformations, ray tracing, and texture-mapping.
Because there are freeware implementations of Open GL, students will be
able to implement course projects on their own PCs, as well as on the
departmental Unix boxes.
This course has been renamed. The new name replaces all occurrences of the old name in CSE department literature. In particular, this course is one of the "Applications" electives appointed for the CS bachelor's degree.