15. XML - the new ASCII | |
15.6. XML Documents and Document Type Definition | |
example.xml | |
contact.dtd | |
file.xml | |
15.8. Attributes | |
cdata.xml | |
nmtoken.xml | |
author.xml | |
idref.xml | |
enum.xml | |
15.12. Entities | |
book.xml | |
15.13. XML Schema | |
datatypes.xsd | |
datatypes.xml | |
coord.xsd | |
extend.xsd | |
15.15. eXtensible Stylesheet Language for Transformations (XSLT) | |
person-to-customer.xsl | |
offer.xsl | |
offer-wml.xsl | |
15.16. Representation with stylesheet | |
offer.css | |
16 .Tool support for XML | |
16.2. Parsers | |
Dom.java | |
Sax.java | |
MyHandler.java | |
16.3. Validators | |
DomValidate.java | |
16.4. Creation and serialisation of documents | |
Create.java | |
16.5. XSLT-processors | |
XSLTServlet.java | |
16.6. XSQL: dynamic Web pages with SQL and XSL only | |
query.xsql | |
Xsql.java | |
MyHandler.java | |
17. The Sample Application with XML | |
17.1. Architecture | |
17.2. The XML-Search Interface of Books Online | |
XMLSearch.java | |
17.3. The XML-Agent | |
bookvendorlist.xml | |
bookvendorlist.dtd | |
offer.dtd | |
offer3.xml | |
buch-nicht-vorhanden.xml | |
Agent.java | |
Util.java | |
Offer.java | |
Validator.java | |
BookVendorList.java | |
18. Business to business applications | |
18.1. Interfaces and data structures of the market place application | |
Auction.java | |
18.2. The market place client | |
Client.java | |
ClientStub.java | |
18.3. The market place server | |
Server.java |