Sample Web Pages and an Introduction to HTML:

(Shamelessly stolen from Bill Sverdlik!)

Static web pages are created via HTML. Read [here] for a simple introduction and follow the link for more advanced techniques. In all web development, one should strive for compliance with XHTML. To fully understand what XHTML means, one needs an introduction to XML and DTD. Read about XML, DTD, and XHTML [here]. Once you read (and understand) about these topics, you will find you will have less problems with your web pages. IMPORTANT: For this class, all web pages must conform to the XHTML 1.0 Transitional DTD. How do you ensure this ? Simple: post your page on the web and then invoke a validator like [this] . IMPORTANT (yet again!): I have had many situations where I find a problem in a student's web page that he/she did not know about. The common response from the student is that "it worked in my browser", and sure enough, it did. The problem is that browsers take many liberties with HTML documents that violate the specification. I highly recommend the following: check your web pages in all browsers available (and I can think of at least two popular ones) and validate your documents with a validator. In fact, you may consider this a requirement of this course!!

As markup languages evolve, standards are developing to seperate content from display properties. In fact, the latest XHTML specifications don't even permit a font tag in the file. Instead, display properties are moved over to a seperate file. The current standard for this is called Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Read about CSS [here]. An easier explanation of CSS may be found [ here ] .