Homework, Chapter 2



Name:  _________________________________________


Date:     _________________________________________





Concept Questions (Short answer)


4. (a) Describe what is meant by the term method.



   (b) What does a method define?



5.  (a) Which control statement is used in Alice to create a block of instructions that will occur in sequence when the program is run?



    (b) Which control statement is used in Alice to create a block of instructions that will occur simultaneously when the program is run?




6.  What is meant by the phrase "one block of code can be nested in another"?



7.  How do you know whether a computer program has a bug?



8.  What is the purpose of a set instruction?



9.  If comments are ignored by Alice then why do we add comments to our programs?



10.  What built-in method is used to:

      (a) change the orientation of an object


      (b) display a comic-book style text bubble on the screen


      (c) synchronize the movement of one object to the movement of another