COSC 231 WINTER 2014 Project #3 Marking a chessboard Distributed 2/11/2013 Due 2/20/2013 (Thursday) Create a chessboard (8 X 8) of two contrasting colors. Each square on the chessboard is a div. Each div has an onclick handler. Each div initially is "empty", except for background color. When user clicks on an empty div, he places his marker. When user clicks on a marked div, he removes his marker. Additionally, there is (1) a button to reset the chessboard to the initial state. (2) a dropdown box to allow the user to change the appearance of his marker. Grading: Satisfying specification: 85% Satisfying style standards: 15% Deliverables: Give the grader a hardcopy of the html page (printed ahead of time) Give the grader a screen shot of the board after 3 different markers have been laid down. Demo the project to the grader.