Inlab work for 10/24 is from the Javascript book by Dionisio and Toal Review and Practice from D & T 10.1 p 581 1. List the strings matched by the regex /M(rs?|(is)?s)/ p 581 2. Explain why s.replace(/$/, "!") produces the same result as s + "!" p.582 3. Give a regex for 10-digit numbers that allows you to capture the first three digits. p 582 4. For the regex /(\d{5})(?:-(\d{4}))?/ give the result match array after matching against (a)90069 (b)90045-2659 p 583 5. Evaluate the expressions, and explain any differences (a) "zooooom".match(/o+m/) (b) "zooooom".match(/o+?m/) p 583 6. Evaluate the expressions, and explain any differences (a) "".match(/<.*>/) (b) "".match(/<.*?>/) p 584 7. What does the regex /(.)(.)\2\1/ describe? Give examples of strings that it matches. p 584 8. Describe the meaning of the regex /<[A-Za-z]+>[^<]*<\/\1>/