Lecture 2011 10 17


The form element groups together input elements; the data the user enters is passed to the server (or can be 'passed' to Javascript code).

Between the <form> and </form>, you can place html tags (p, img, h1, etc).

Form tags:


A form groups input values, and specifies where to pass the input values.
HTML tags and content can be interspersed among the various kinds of inputs


action specifies where to pass form values:

Various event handlers. Here are some important ones for right now: method specifies how to send form-data. The form-handling code must receive the data in an expected way. The form-data can be sent as URL variables (method="get") or as HTTP post (use method="post")
See w3schools

Getting user data

Take a quick look at Bannerocity

Note the use of Javascript's object.innerHTML

Regular Expressions