Activities at Lake LazyDays

As activity directory at Lake LazyDays Resort, it is your job to suggest appropriate activities to guests based on the weather:
  temp >= 80:       swimming
  60 <= temp < 80:  tennis
  40 <= temp < 60:  golf
  temp < 40:        skiing
  1. Write a program,, that prompts the user for a temperature, then prints out the activity appropriate for that temperature. Use if, else if statements, and be sure that your boolean conditions are no more complex than necessary.
    1. Start by writing just an abbreviated program that prompts the user for the temperature, then solves only the first test above. I.e., it prints "swimming" if the user provided value is greater than or equal to 80. Test it on the values 85 and 65. Copy the output of your tests into the lab document, labelling it
    2. Now add the second test. So that it prints "swimming" if the temperture is greater than or equal to 80, and "tennis" if the value is between 60 and 80. Test your program for the inputs: 85, 65, 55. Copy the output of your tests into the lab document, labelling it
    3. Add the remaining two clauses and test for the inputs 85, 65, 60, 55, 39. Copy the output of your tests into the lab document, labelling it
Submit to the dropbox.

Here is a web page that gives you a hint at how to solve this problem.