Journals with Queueing Articles
Management Science
Operations Research
Forthcoming Papers
O.R. Letters
at ScienceDirect
QUESTA (Queueing Systems, Theory and Application)
at Baltzer
(abstracts, no articles)
at FirstSearch
(full pdf text)
Telecommunications Systems
Bell Labs Technical Journal
at Lucent
Bell System Technical Journal (old)
Probability in the Engineering and Information Sciences
, UCB on-line abstracts
SIAM Review
Journal of the Operational Research Society (of the UK)
European Journal of Operational Research
at ScienceDirect
Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan
at ScienceDirect
Performance Evaluation
at ScienceDirect
Naval Research Logistics
at Wiley
International Abstracts in Operations Research
at Palgrave
Computers and Operations Research
at ScienceDirect
Production and Operations Management (different than Operations and Production Management, by MCB Univ. Press?)
Telecommunications Systems
Stochastic Processes and their Applications
at ScienceDirect
Stochastic Models
at Dekker (formerly Communications in Statistics--Stochastic Models)
at ACM
), (at
Communications of the ACM
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Communications
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Information Theory
ACM transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
Probability journals
The Applied Probability Trust
The Probability Web: Journals
Journal of Applied Probability
Advances in Applied Probability
Theory of Probability and Its Applications Online
The Annals of Applied Probability
Annals of Applied Probability: Articles
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
Electronic Journal of/Communications in Probability