@ARTICLE{Jagerman1974, AUTHOR ="Jagerman, David L.", JOURNAL ="Bell System Technical Journal", LIBRARY ="Eng", CALLNUMBER ="tk1.b44", TITLE ="Some Properties of the Erlang Loss Function", VOLUME ="53", NUMBER ="3", YEAR ="1974", MONTH ="Mar", PAGES ="525--551", CITEDBY ="Jagers1986", COPIED ="y", } @ARTICLE{Jagerman1984, AUTHOR ="Jagerman, David L.", JOURNAL ="AT\&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal", LIBRARY ="Eng", CALLNUMBER ="tk1.b44", PUBLISHER ="AT\&T", TITLE ="Methods in Traffic Calculations", VOLUME ="63", NUMBER ="7", YEAR ="1984", MONTH ="Sep", PAGES ="1283--1310", CITEDBY ="Jagers1986", COPIED ="y", IGNORE ="Section VIII: Day-to-Day Load Variation does two-point Gauss quadrature", } @ARTICLE{Jagers1986, AUTHOR ="Jagers, A.A. and van Doorn, Erik A.", JOURNAL ="Operations Research Letters", LIBRARY ="Eng", CALLNUMBER ="q180.a1.o63", TITLE ="On the continued Erlang loss function", VOLUME ="5", NUMBER ="1", YEAR ="1986", MONTH ="Jun", PAGES ="43--46", CITEDBY ="Jagers1991", CITES ="Jagerman1974", CITES ="Jagerman1984", COPIED ="y", } @ARTICLE{Harel1988, AUTHOR ="Harel, Arie", JOURNAL ="Management Science", LIBRARY ="Bus", CALLNUMBER ="hd28.m38", TITLE ="Sharp bounds and simple approximations for the Erlang delay and loss formulas", VOLUME ="34", NUMBER ="8", YEAR ="1988", MONTH ="Aug", PAGES ="959--972", COPIED ="y", } @ARTICLE{Bakry1990, AUTHOR ="Bakry, S.H.", JOURNAL ="Computers and Mathematics with Applications", LIBRARY ="Astr/Math", CALLNUMBER ="qa76.a1.C565", TITLE ="A new method for computing Erlang-B formula", VOLUME ="19", NUMBER ="2", YEAR ="1990", PAGES ="73--74", COPIED ="y", IGNORE ="claims recursive approach is instable for large c,then uses an approximation", } @ARTICLE{Harel1990, AUTHOR ="Harel, A.", JOURNAL ="Operations Research", LIBRARY ="Eng", CALLNUMBER ="q180.a1.06", TITLE ="Convexity Properties of the Erlang loss formula", VOLUME ="38", NUMBER ="3", YEAR ="1990", MONTH ="May--Jun", PAGES ="499--505", COPIED ="y", } @ARTICLE{Krishnan1990, AUTHOR ="Krishnan, K.R.", JOURNAL ="IEEE Transactions on Communications", LIBRARY ="Eng", CALLNUMBER ="tk6540.i54", TITLE ="The convexity of loss rate in an Erlang loss system and sojurn in an Erlang delay system with respect to arrival and service rates", VOLUME ="38", NUMBER ="9", YEAR ="1990", MONTH ="Sep", PAGES ="1314--1316", } @ARTICLE{Jagers1991, AUTHOR ="Jagers, A.A. and Vandoorn, Erik A.", JOURNAL ="SIAM Review", LIBRARY ="Eng", CALLNUMBER ="qa1.s48", TITLE ="Convexity of functions which are generalizations of the Erlang loss function and the Erlang delay function", VOLUME ="33", NUMBER ="2", YEAR ="1991", MONTH ="Jun", PAGES ="281--282", CITES ="Jagers1986", CITEDBY ="Cooper1994", COPIED ="y", } @ARTICLE{Cooper1994, AUTHOR ="Cooper, Robert B.", JOURNAL ="SIAM Review", LIBRARY ="Eng", CALLNUMBER ="qa1.s48", URL ="http://www.jstor.org/journals/00361445.html", TITLE ="An Infinite Sum of Erlang Loss Functions", VOLUME ="36", NUMBER ="1", YEAR ="1994", MONTH ="Mar", PAGES ="112--114", CITES ="Jagers1991", COPIED ="y", } @ARTICLE{Pacheco1994loss, AUTHOR ="Pacheco, Antonio", JOURNAL ="questa", LIBRARY ="Eng", TITLE ="Second-order properties of the loss probability in {M/M/s/s+c} systems", VOLUME ="15", NUMBER ="1--4", YEAR ="1994", MONTH ="Feb", PAGES ="289--308", IGNORE ="includes loss prob in terms of M/M/s/s+0 system", AFFIL ="Cornell, on leave from Instituto Superior Tecnico Portugal", CITEDBY ="Aksin2001", COPIED ="y", } @ARTICLE{Pacheco1994delay, AUTHOR ="Pacheco, Antonio", JOURNAL ="questa", LIBRARY ="Eng", TITLE ="Some properties of the delay probability in {M/M/s/s+c} systems", VOLUME ="15", NUMBER ="1--4", YEAR ="1994", MONTH ="Feb", PAGES ="309--324", IGNORE ="see Pacheco1994loss", COPIED ="y", }