Standard Projects for Math 319 Most people will choose one of these projects, but people are still free to do a project of their own creation (with my advice and consent). * A problem from the Math Contest in Modeling (MCM) or CUMCM. These should happen in two parts: - first, do the problem without consulting the published best solutions and judges' commentary. Turn this in about half a week before the main project due date. - then, go copy the published best solutions and judges' commentary. Write a report that compares your solution to those papers and the judges' commentary. * A problem from the High-school MCM (the HiMCM), or Moody's Mega Math Challenge, done similarly to the above. - note that this gets only 3 out of 4 topic ambition points. - To boost it to a 4 out of 4, do the above AND include in your second report some aspects of how you might teach this topic to a future class. * Write a lesson plan for a high-school class, based on some content from our class. (see the Project Overview and Grading Rubric for more) * Choose your optimal Fantasy Football team (or any other sport). For more on this topic, see * Shift scheduling in whatever job you currently have (restaurant waitstaff, etc.) * Write up your notes from one of our class units as a textbook chapter that I could give to future Math 319 classes. Include new exercises, etc. * A challenge problem like those at, or the Netflix contest, etc. * The Analytics X Prize, * The FAA design competition, * A problem from The PuzzlOR, (though these tend to be a little bit easier than the MCM, for example, and would probably get only 2 out of 4 topic ambition points.)