Here are the rules for the auction. Remember that it's supposed to be fun! * These are extra-credit points that count in the same way as the points you get on your PowerPoint. So, if you got a perfect score on your proposal, draft report, final report, and PowerPoint, and got (let's say) 5.1 extra points due to the auction, then your score for Project 2 is 105.1%. * These are truly extra-credit points--nobody's grade will go down if they don't present. * If you change your mind about presenting when your turn comes up, you may pass on your turn. This means that you will not get any extra credit points. * Bidding will take place at the start of the class session, by having each person tell the professor (quietly) what their bid is. * If someone isn't present to bid, they will be assigned a bid using =rand()*10 * Bids should be for a rational number that Excel will understand between 0 and 10, but no integers are allowed (I'm trying to avoid ties). If there are ties, they will be broken by alphabetical order (last name). * Presentations will start with the lowest bidder, and progress toward the highest. Each presenter gets 5 minutes plus 30 seconds for questions. * At the end of the class period, each person who presented will get the number of points that the last presenter bid. This is called the "market clearing price"--look it up. * The professor will not reveal any bids at the end, other than the final market clearing price. * People who don't present will not get any extra-credit points. * You may collude with others all you like (e.g., all agree to bid a certain amount). However, remember that collusions are inherently unstable--each person has an incentive to defect. Fun, isn't it? Prof. Ross