Homework R2 The point of this homework is to help you become familiar with the "technical report" format that you will use on your projects. The mathematics is deliberately not complex. The Excel file that we've been using in class contains a datasheet called "usaPctGrowth". Specifically, use the "%increase from previous census" column, which shows the % change from one census to the next. Come up with a mathematical model or two that relates the year and the % change. Then, use your model(s) to * "predict" what the growth rate will be after the 2010 census, * then compare to the actual growth rate from the 2000 census. The 2010 census showed a growth rate of 9.71% from the 2000 census. * predict what the growth rate will be at the next census in 2020, * and estimate how uncertain you are about the prediction. * predict when the growth rate will hit 0% * report on the strength of the relationship, * do anything else that should be standard procedure, and * do anything else creative if you like. Rather than submitting a spreadsheet, write up your investigation and results in the form of a small technical report, with sections like: Title Introduction Model Results and graphs/tables as appropriate. You may not include a spreadsheet file in your submission; instead, you should copy/paste from your spreadsheet into your report. But if you're sending me email for help (which you probably should!), then you should attach your current spreadsheet as well as your current draft report. You do not have to do any Internet research for the introduction. You can use http://emunix.emich.edu/~aross15/project-guides/sample_paper_outline.doc as a template to get started (you may delete the Abstracts and Bibliography, etc.) This is a good opportunity to practice using academic language rather than informal language; see the writing guide at http://emunix.emich.edu/~aross15/project-guides/guides.html for more information. But if you don't need the practice in that writing style, that's fine too. For examples of (longer) technical reports, see http://emunix.emich.edu/~aross15/project-guides/guides.html