Homework M4 First, read the project rubric (list of possible points and what each point value means) at http://emunix.emich.edu/~aross15/project-guides/ross-project-overview-guide.htm Then read each of the 2 papers that are mentioned in the Canvas assignment M4. Rate each one according to the rubric--record your ratings either in your notebook or electronically. Then copy them into this form: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dFpyaVJHSGdPTEU3ek5vM0czNEQyQmc6MQ---REMOVETHISPARTOFTHEURL once for each paper. Once you hit Submit on that form, you can't see the values you entered, which is why I'm saying to record them for yourself then copy them into the form. There is no need to upload anything to a dropbox inside EMU-Online for this homework. (yes, the URL is slightly broken, on purpose; just remove the dashes and everything after them)