Chapter 2 - What you need to know for a quiz on Monday!!

Formatted output: the printf statement
    You will need to know the descriptors for float and double (e.g. %10.4f), integers and longs (e.g. %8d),
Strings (e.g. %20s). You should also know how to left justify numbers!!

Input: using the Scanner class

So what's on the quiz ? OK. Here's a good practice problem:

The current Social Security withholding is 6.2% and Medicare Hospital Insurance is 1.45%. Write a complete
java program that:

1) Prompts the users for an hourly rate (a double)
2) Prompts the user for hours worked ( a double)
3) Outputs
    Gross Pay
    Social Security Withholding
    Medicare Withholding
    Net Pay
All numeric output should have two digits past the decimal point.

Example Run:

Enter hourly rate:  10.0                                <-- user entered 10.0
Enter hours worked: 40.0                            <-- user entered 40.0
Gross Pay : 400.00                                      <-- computer calculated gross pay and output it
Social Security Withholding: 24.80            <-- computer calculated 400 * 0.62 and output it
Medicare Withholding : 5.80                        <-- computer calculated 400 * 0.0145 and output it
Net Pay: 369.40                                            <-- computer calculated this and output it