Matthew P. Evett


Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Eastern Michigan University



Dept. Computer Science
511 Pray Harold Bldg.
Eastern Michigan University
Ypsilanti, MI  48197   USA
Phone: (734) 487-1227

Office Hours:


COSC 381 Software Engineering Solutions

COSC 111 Introduction to Programming, COSC311 Algorithms and Data Structures,COSC 436/540 Web Programming, COSC231 Internet-Based Computing, COSC 631 E-Commerce, COSC457 Computer Game Programming, COSC423/525 Operating Systems, COSC 456/556 Computer Graphics/Advanced Computer Graphics, COSC 461/561 Heuristic Programming and Artificial Intelligence, COSC179 Computer Animation Programming, COSC 612 Parallel Algorithms, COSC 623 Advanced Operating Systems, COSC481/581 Software Engineering, COSC101 Computer Science Concepts and Practical Applications, COSC661 Automated Reasoning, COSC 211 Programming Data Structures, COSC 341 Programming Languages, COSC 479/592 Web Programming for Linguists, COSC556 Advanced Computer Graphics, COSC 576 Tools for Bioinformatics, COSC 379 Java Programming, COSC479 and COSC592 Evolutionary Computation, Introduction to Java GUIs

Old Courses: COT4930 (was CAP4700), Computer Graphics Methods CAP6635 Artificial Intelligence, COT6930 Parallel and Distributed Aritificial Intelligence, CAP4630 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, COP2212 Introduction to Programming, in C

Curriculum Vita

My vita can be found here.

Research Interests:

Computer game design and implementation, User-Interface Design in web applications, Applications of evolutionary computation, especially genetic programming. Domains of particular interest include software reliability and financial market analysis. Applications of massive parallelism to paradigms of artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, case-based design, search. Applications of distributed computing to environmental simulations.

BiologyLabs: a set of web-based biology experiments implemented in Java.

CyberLab Equation Editor: component of the CyberLab system for managing the mathematical model underlying scientific simulations.

Recent funded research:

Parallelization of the Canal Subsystem of the Everglades Landscape Model.


Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Maryland, 1994.

Sc.B., Computer Science, Brown University, 1984.

Dissertation Research:

PARKA: A System for Massively Parallel Knowledge Representation

Some of My Publications:

Todd Neller, Stephen Keeley, Michael Guerzhoy, Wolfgang Hoenig, Jiaoyang Li, Sven Koenig, Ameet Soni, Krista Thomason, Lisa Zhang, Bibin Sebastian, Cinjon Resnick, Avital Oliver, Surya Bhupatiraju, Kumar Agrawal, James Allingham, Sejong Yoon, Jonathan Chen, Tom Larsen, Marion Neumann, Narges Norouzi, Ryan Hausen and Matthew Evett, "Model AI Assignments 2020", Proceedings of the Thirty Eighth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20), AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, 2020.

T. Fernandez and M. Evett, "Improving the Discovery of Numeric Constants in GP", Genetic Programming 1998: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference, Koza et al, editors, Morgan Kaufmann, 1998.

M.Evett, T.Khoshgoftar, P.Chien and E.Allen, "GP-based software quality prediction",Genetic Programming 1998: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference, Koza et al, editors, Morgan Kaufmann, 1998.

R. France, M. Evett and E. Grant, "Towards Semantic-Based Object-Oriented CASE Tools", Proceedings Automated Software Engineering --- ASE'97, 12th IEEE International Conference, IEEE, 1997.

Y. Xu and M. Evett, "Parallelization of the canal subsystem of the Everglades Landscape Model", technical report TR-CSE-97-42, Dept. Computer Science & Engineering, Florida Atlantic Univ., 1997.

Evett, M.P., Hendler, J.A., Mahanti, A. and Nau, D. "PRA*: Massively Parallel Heuristic Search," J. Parallel and Distributed Computing, 25, No.2 (March), pp. 133-143, 1995. [Figures for that paper.]

Evett, M.P., Hendler, J.A. and Spector, L. "Knowledge Representation on the Connection Machine," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC) Vol. 22(2), Aug. 1994, pp 168-184.

A Fuller List of Publications can be found in my vita.

Professional Memberships:

American Association for Artificial Intelligence; ACM; IEEE; Upsilon Pi Epsilon.

Outside Interests:

Fly-fishing, baseball (fantasy & Real), strategic board-games (and, tournament contract bridge, cooking, kitties.


Last modified: "September 29 , 2015 11:21:14 by evett"