Recursive PseudoCode for BST // NOT CAREFULLY VETTED YET. BEWARE!! // REPAIRS FROM 10/17/2012 MADE // REPAIRS from 2/21/2013 MADE // REPAIR on 10.16/2018 MADE /* BST nodes are type Node, which contains fields: int data, Node left, Node right */ /***********************************************************************************/ /* find value x in BST rooted at root */ // example invocation: foundNode = find(3, root); Node find (int x, Node n) { if (n == null) return null; if (x == return n; else if (x < return find(x, n.left); else // x > return find(x, n.right); } /***********************************************************************************/ /* return reference to minimum value object in BST */ // example invocation: minNode = findMin(root); Node findMin(Node n) { if (n == null) // empty tree return null; if (n.left == null) return n; return findMin(n.left); } /***********************************************************************************/ /* insert value x into BST*/ // example invocation: root = insert( x, root); Node insert(int x, Node n) { if (n == null) { return (new Node(x, null, null)); } else if (x <= { n.left = insert(x, n.left); return n; } else { // x > n.right = insert(x, n.right); return n; } } /***********************************************************************************/ /* delete (the first located) node containing value x from BST*/ // example invocation: root = delete(x, root); Node delete(int x, Node n) { if (n == null) // nothing to do return n; if (x == { // found first node containing x if (n.left == null && n.right == null) // n is a leaf return null; // let garbage collector remove n else if (n.left == null) { // has right child only return n.right; } else if (n.right == null) { // has left child only return n.left; } else { // has two children tempNode = findMin(n.right); =; n.right = delete (, n.right); return n; } } // end of found node containing x if (x <= { // still looking, go left n.left = delete(x, n.left); return n; } else { // still looking, go right n.right = delete(x, n.right); return n; } }