Repetition: untimed and timed

Simple repetition

Simple repetition is learned in elementary programming classes. Repetition is implemented as a loop. There are three kinds of loops: top exit, middle exit, and bottom exit.

Top-exit loops:

Bottom-exit loops Middle exit loops are commonly implemented as an infinite loop (i.e., top exit or bottom exit), with in the middle of the loop body.

The actual elapsed time (wall time) will depend on how long it takes the computer to get through all the repetitions of the loop.

Timed repetition

Some times the wall time of the loop is important. Examples are when interacting with a human, or controlling a robot. In those cases, the loop body should not be repeated until the appropriate amount of time has elapsed. There are a few approaches to solving this problem of timed repetition.

Inelegant solution

A simple approach is to add code to the body of a loop. This new code doesn't accomplish anything, except for lengthening the amount of time it takes to execute the body of the loop once. The easiest way to implement this "junk code" is as a loop with an empty body.
while (test) {    // simple repetition
  stmt A
  stmt B
while (test) {   // adding for loop to delay repetition
  stmt A
  stmt B
  for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++)  // loop to add time delay (green portion in picture)
The added loop just iterates, incrementing the loop variable to the value that is pre-determined to add the necessary delay time. An added loop with a small MAX will delay the outer loop a short amount of time. If the added loop has a large MAX, the outer loop will be delayed a longer amount of time.

The value of the upper limit can be determined during an initialization phase. You take a time stamp by accessing a system clock before entering a loop, iterate a fixed and known number of times, then take a time stamp after exiting. The ratio of the elapsed time to the number of iterations gives you the amount of time per single pass through. This ratio is than used to determined the desired number of iteration for a desired delay.

That kind of loop is called a busy-waiting loop. The CPU is kept busy doing wasted work. A busy-waiting loop is commonly used in very simple, low level applications for input (or output) control. An input device will set a bit in a control/status register when input has been received at the device. The CPU executes a busy-wait loop, fetching the control/status register then testing the value of the "input ready" bit. If the bit is not set, then continue the busy-wait loop. If the bit is set, then exit the loop and then read the input from the input device's data register into the CPU.

The problem with using a busy-wait to make a timed loop is a lack of accuracy and repeatability. The loop is not repeating every k milliseconds; it is repeating every k +/- ε milliseconds, where ε is a varying amount of error. It is the busy-wait code that has the more repeatable and more accurate elapsed time; the productive code may have different execution times depending on different paths taken through the executable.

Somewhat better solution (but still not good)

If the programming language supports a delay() (or sleep()) function, then the delay() function call can be placed in the body of the timed loop. The delay() function will take a parameter that specifies how long the currently executing task is put to sleep. The operating system will manage the task state change for the task: when the task executes the delay(), the operating system (that manages task state transition) will change the task's state from RUNNING to BLOCKED. After the indicated time has elapsed, the operating system will change the task's state from BLOCKED to READY. At the next opportunity, the OS will change the task's state from READY to RUNNING. The task "wakes up" (generally a timer will go off and code (in the part of the OS called the Scheduler) will assign the CPU to the task and change the task's state to RUNNING); the task resumes execution at the next statement after the delay(). The task will not realize it has been asleep.

In terms of the accuracy of the timed loop, busy-waiting and a delay() are equally inaccurate. The advantage of delay() is that the operating system can use the time one task is asleep to give the CPU to a different task that can do productive work. On the other hand, busy-wait is most frequently used in a situation where there is no multi-tasking for very low-level data transfer; the busy loop, rather than just wasting time repeatedly checks a bit to see if new data is ready to be transferred.

Pretty good solution

If the programming language supports a timer or some way to automatically launch a task, then the programmer should completely remove the loop control. The body of the (former) loop can be straight-line code (or whatever: function calls, if-then-else, inner loop, ...). The task is invoked when the timer goes off. The nice aspect of this approach is that the time taken by the task code is not relevant to when the timer goes off; the code (the former loop body) is repeated at more accurate intervals.

For the reasons given above, code that is invoked at regular intervals is better, in terms of accuracy and efficient use of the CPU, than putting the code in a loop that needs timing control.