AUTHORIZATION in SQL --- "Discretionary Access Control" DAC Connelly & Begg: 7.6, 20.2 GRANT privilege_name ON object_name TO {user_name | PUBLIC | role_name } [WITH GRANT OPTION]; privilege_name is access right or privilege e.g. ALL, EXECUTE, SELECT object_name is name of database object e.g. TABLE, VIEW, STORED PROC user_name is name of user being granted privilege PUBLIC is all users ROLES is set of users grouped together WITH GRANT OPTION allows a user to grant access right to other users. GRANT SELECT ON employee TO user1; GRANT INSERT ON employee TO user1 WITH GRANT OPTION; // <-- user1 is given the authority to grant INSERT // on employee to other users GRANT ALTER ON parts TO mr_president; GRANT INSERT ON testing_log TO test_group; // <-- if test_group is a role, must create the role before // granting privileges to it. See below. REVOKE privilege_name ON object_name FROM { user_name | PUBLIC | role_name } REVOKE SELECT ON employee FROM user1; /************************************************************************** * Note the security hole related to WITH GRANT OPTION * Say the creator of employee grants INSERT privilege to user1 WITH GRANT OPTION. * Then user1 grants that privilege to user2 and * user1 grants that privilege to user3 WITH GRANT OPTION * Sometime later, creator REVOKEs the privilege from user2: * REVOKE INSERT * ON employee * FROM user1 * BUT! user2 and user3 STILL have INSERT privilege! PRIVILEGES Object privileges: INSERT lets users insert rows into table SELECT lets users select data from object (eg table or view) UPDATE lets users update data EXECUTE lets users execute a stored procedure or a function System privileges: CREATE, ALTER, DROP Role: collection of privileges or access rights. Predefined roles: Role name privileges CONNECT CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, ... RESOURCE CREATE TRIGGER DBA all system privileges Creating roles: CREATE ROLE role_name [IDENTIFIED BY pwd]; CREATE ROLE clients; // create a role Adding privileges to Role, adding users to Role: GRANT SELECT // grant privileges to role clients ON parts TO clients; GRANT INSERT ON parts TO clients; // add users to role clients GRANT clients // role name: clients TO user1; // is given users: user1, user2 GRANT clients TO user2; // revoking privileges REVOKE INSERT // revoke INSERT ON parts privilege from clients ON parts FROM clients; //Drop users from Role: DROP user1 FROM clients; // Dropping roles: DROP ROLE role_name; E.g. DROP ROLE clients;