COSC 540/436 WINTER 2017 Distributed 1/26/2017 Due 2/2/2017 Write a simple summing up project in two versions. The store's data is placed in an array. Each record in the array has fields for ID, ITEM, COST. Version 1. (Client-Only using Javascript) Enter the data to an HTML form. Sum up the total cost using Javascript. Display a list of ordered items and the total cost. Version 2. (Client and Server using PHP) Enter the data to an HTML form. Sum up the total cost using PHP on a server. Display a list of ordered items and the total cost (i.e. the invoice). The items are displayed as follows: ID Item Cost per item Quantity ordered 20 Pen 2 _____ 55 Pencil 1 _____ 57 Paper 30 _____ 60 Stapler 50 _____ There is an input text box for each item under the "Quantity ordered" label. The user will enter the number of items he wants in those text boxes. There is a "Calculate order" button which will compute the total cost and display the invoice. When you display the order form and when you display the invoice, you must be stepping through an array. You should put the number of items ordered in a second array. Turn in: Piece of paper with: Your name URL of all html, js and php code Name of person who received your demo. HARDCOPY OF HTML AND PHP CODE! Demo the project -- both versions -- to any fellow student in 436/540 class or to Zack. Give Zack the hardcopy and paper with identifying information.