COSC 540/436 Program 01/05 Client Side Scan and Replace Distributed 1/5/2017 Due: 1/12/2017 Create a web page that allows scan and replace of text from a file. Use HTML, CSS and Javascript. This webpage needs to: - load a text file (file chosen by user, file is on local machine) - display the contents of the text file - have a place where user can enter search string - have a place where user can enter replacement string - have a button where user can request scan for next occurrence of search string - have a button that causes replacement of search string with replacement string. - the functionality of saving the changed text file is OPTIONAL (extra credit), but if you implement this, there must be a "save" button. When the program locates the next occurrence of the search string, it must be highlighted or somehow marked on display of the text file. Constraints: - You must make use of String and RegExp methods. - The page must look good -- no misspellings, no bad alignments, no jumpy positioning, ... - CSS and Javascript can be in external files or internal (or inline). If you cannabilize code from the web, you MUST cite the source in the header of the HTML file and the header of external files (if any). Code must include a header with [your name] [your URL] COSC 436 or 540 Assignment 01/05 WINTER 2017 Turn in: Hard copy of source code. Hard copy of screen shot. Evaluations of two other student projects. Code demo and walk-thru to Prof Haynes (5 minutes per assignment) Your code must adhere to good Coding Standards (see course website)