Notes from COSC 341/2 1/27/2015

Regular expressions

A regular expression (RE) is one of

  1. character (from the alphabet)
  2. ε
  3. RE1 ∙ RE2     	// concatenation -- RE1 followed by RE2
        		// where RE1 and RE2 are regular expressions
        		// the ∙ symbol may be implied (like multiplication symbol)
  4. RE1 | RE2	// or, alternative -- RE1  or  RE2
  5. RE*		// Kleene closure -- 0 or more occurences of RE
Operator precedence: *    >    ∙    >   |

Finite Automata

A finite automaton (FA, plural finite automata) is represented as directed graph.

A vertex represents a state. An edge represents a transition.
The label on an edge is the (input) character that causes a transition from initial state to target state.

If a transition is labelled with ε, then a transition from start state to destination state is triggered by an input string of 0 length.

Example RE --> NFA

NFA -> DFA conversion

  1. For every state in NFA, determine all reachable states for every input symbol.
  2. The set of reachable states forms a single state in the DFA.
  3. Find reachable states for each new DFA state until no more new states can be found.