Homework Extra Credit HW 1205 Distributes: 12/5/2017 Due: 12/12/2017 1. Modify class RunnableDemo at http://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/java_multithreading.htm to create 3 threads. Each thread has a name, an integer id, and a different sleep time (long, medium, short). Execute and demo. 2. Modify class ThreadDemo at http://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/java_multithreading.htm to create 3 threads. Each thread has name, integer id, and different sleep time. The threads are elements of an array, that is, they are not given unique variable names. 3. Modify class ThreadClassDemo at http://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/java_multithreading.htm There are four threads: hello, bye, thread3, thread4. All threads sleep for 1 ms after outputting their display message. The threads thread3 and thread4 are both guessing the number. Both have the same (highest) priority. Announce the thread that guesses the desired number first. Terminate after guessing the correct number (the "loser" thread should not continue guessing until it succeeds). Turn in: Hardcopy Demo and walk-thru.