COSC 311 Homework 1/10/2017 Return list after removing k-th element Distributed: 1/10/2017 Due: 1/12/2017 Write Java code that will *modify* a linked list by removing the k-th element. The first element in the linked list is k = 0. Initialization: Initialize a singly linked list with hard-coded input. Use a 1D array of ints to supply the hard-coded input. Hard-code k - the number (analogous to index) of the element which is to be removed from the list. Note, k is not the data value. Output: The original linked list. (not the int[]), The modified linked list. Data structure: Singly linked list (LinkedList) of nodes (Node). Each Node contains only int data and Node next. LinkedList contains only Node head (it does not have Node tail). Examples: (1) input data: 2, 4, 6, 8 k: 2 Output: original list: 2 4 6 8 modified list: 2 4 8 (2) input data: 2, 4, 6, 8 k: 10 Output: original list: 2 4 6 8 modified list: 2 4 6 8 (3) input data: 2 4 6 8 k = 0 Output: original list: 2 4 6 8 modified list: 4 6 8 (4) input data: 2 k = 0 Output: original list: 2 modified list: Constraints: -- Do not use any built-in Java classes beyond primitive types (int[], int), System, and String. You must write Node and LinkedList. -- Node class and LinkedList class must be in the same file. -- Your code must work for any size linked list and any (integer) value of k. -- Do not throw errors for k <= 0 or for empty list. -- Your code cannot exceed one page. Turn in: Hardcopy of your code. In your code, include a header: [your name] [your URL] COSC 311 HW 01/10 WINTER 2017 Do NOT comment your code. Output for a run on data: 0 2 4 6 1, with k = 2 (the modified list is: 0 2 6 1)