COSC 311 Fall 2017 Final Exam Topics Sorts: merge, quick, heap, radix, shell, counting (insertion, selection and bubble are assumed from previous course) Skip list: find, insert, delete (2, 4) tree: find, insert, delete Priority queue: insert, delete Splay tree: find, insert, delete AVL tree: find, insert BST: find, insert, delete General tree - The idea of multi-way tree - Traversals: breadth-first binary tree: postfix, infix, prefix - Expression tree Hashing: find, insert delete linear probe, quadratic probe chaining Stack: Stack ops: push, pop, isEmpty Stack algorithms: paren matching, palindrome detection, evaluate postfix, other algorithms as given in "Appendix" Queue: Queue ops: insert, delete, isEmpty, isFull Circular queue Recursion Graph algorithm: Topological sort Big Oh: Counting execution time (i.e., finding T(n) ) Using the definition of Big Oh (e.g., find Big Oh from T(n) ) Ranking Big Oh functions