COSC 311 Homework 10/10/2016 Find the max value in a stack Distributed: 10/10/2016 Due: 10/17/2016 Design a stack that supports a max operation. The max operation will return the maximum value of the data stored in the stack. Assume data values are int. Output: Max value in stack Constraints on the code: -- Do not use any Java objects or classes beyond char stream I/O. Do not use Stack. -- max() is a method on the stack. Points taken off for: - doesn't work - violating the stack - max() damages the stack - doesn't meet constraints - excessive use of space Turn in: Hardcopy of your code. In your code, include a header: [your name] [URL of code] COSC 311 HW 1010 FALL 2016. Do not supply UML diagram for your code.