COSC 311: Memory management data structure: linked list

Distributed: 9/9/2015     Due: 9/23/2015
Implement a simple memory manager using linked list data structure.

This program implements a simplified manager of a memory pool. The memory pool is a fixed number of blocks of memory which is modelled (for this assignment) as a 1D array of 32 byte objects. The index of each element of the array is treated as though it is the actual address of the memory block.

Memory (e.g., the heap) is divided into equal sized blocks. A user can request (alloc) one block or return (free) one block.

To request a block, the user would use the method: int alloc(int num); The return value is the index of the block that has been allocated. The argument is 1 (only a single block can be allocated or freed for this assignment -- for extra credit, see below).

When a user requests a block, the manager finds a free block, changes it to an allocated block, then returns the address of the block to the user.

When a user frees a block, the manager changes the block from allocated to free. To free a block, the user calls the method free(int num); The method returns no value, the argument is the address of the block being freed.

The linked list data structure is the primary data structure for keeping track of free and allocated memory blocks: there is a linked list of free blocks and a second linked list of used blocks.

free() and alloc() should throw exceptions.

An example

Suppose there are four blocks in the memory pool, addresses 0, 1, 2, 3. The system begins will all blocks in the free list and used list is empty.
user resulting free list resulting used list
Start state 0, 1, 2, 3 empty
alloc(1) 1, 2, 3 0
alloc(1) 2, 3 0, 1
free(0) 0, 2, 3 1
free(0) 0, 2, 3 1 throw Invalid Action
alloc(1) 0, 3 1, 2
alloc(1) 0 1, 2, 3
alloc(1) empty 0, 1, 2, 3
alloc(1) empty 0, 1, 2, 3 throw Block Not Available
free(27) empty 0, 1, 2, 3 throw Invalid Address
Nota bene! In the above example, the order of the blocks in terms of which is chosen for an alloc is not important -- I tried to randomize. In your actual implementation, you will need to write code that picks a reasonable free block (e.g., "first in the free list").

How can you demonstrate that your code is working correctly?

There are different ways to do this. Possibly the most straightforward is to printout the free list and the used list after each free()/alloc() statement (as shown in the table above).

What you hand in for grading must demonstrate your program working correctly.

You must supply an argument at run-time (either run-time argument or query user) that sets the size of the memory pool.

Grade based on:

  Satisfying the functional specifications
  Coding style -- includes reasonable documentation
  Elegance of implementation

Extra credit

For extra credit, the user is permitted to request more than one block with a single alloc() call. For example, alloc(3); will return the address of the start of three consecutive blocks for the user.

alloc() will only allocate consecutive blocks. Therefore, only a single address (the start of the first block is returned to the user). Obviously all three blocks must have been moved from free list to the used list. Also obviously the three blocks must be contiguous in memory -- they do not have to be contiguous in the linked list of free objects.

free() works the same as before. Only one block at a time is freed. So, the user code to allocate then free 3 blocks:

 x = alloc(3);
Now! in actuality, free() works in an intelligent way (see here). However, implementing this more user-friendly free() requires the memory manager to *also* keep track of the number of blocks allocated.

This is actually not that hard to do by storing the number of allocated blocks in the nodes in the used list. I will draw you a picture if you are interested.

Turn in

Estimate of size of project: 125 lines of code or fewer