COSC 231 Project #1 Painting Mosaic

Date distributed: 31 January 2015
Date due:11 16 February 2015 (extra credit on 11 Feb)


Create a mosaic of a painting or photograph that is interesting to look at using divs and CSS styling.
See an example here. (Gaugin and me).


Technical requirements

Aesthetic expectations

Comments on developing your piece of art

    You do NOT have to follow my prescription on how to do this, however, this is what I did to make the example:
  1. Lay down and size the original image.
  2. Lay down two "container" divs. Each container div has the original image.
    The container divs have style="position: relative;"
  3. In the middle "container" div, lay down the rectangles. Each rectangle is a div. The borders of the divs form the visual rectangles on the original image. Each rectangle div has style="position:absolute;".
  4. Adjust the top, left, width, height of each rectangle div, one at a time. I did this via a combination of measuring (calculating) and trial-and-error.
  5. Once the rectangle divs look good on the middle picture, copy the whole thing to make the third picture.
  6. In the third picture, don't change any positions or sizes. Only change colors, opacity, text. If you want to put a picture in a rectangle, do NOT change the size of the rectangle div. You can use opacity:1.0 to completely coverup the original background image.

Grade based on

Satisfying specs 75%
Readability 15%
Aesthetics 10%

Turn in

Gaugin and friend -- comments on what I did