Homework COSC 231 Distributed: 13 April 2015 Due: 20 April 2015 Write a multi-threaded Gui app in Java using javax.swing.Timer. There will be a main thread that starts the Java GUI. This application will be a tool to improve reading speed. There will be a slider input that controls the display of individual words in varying words/minute (wpm). The slider will control display from 50 wpm to 500 wpm. Individual words from a text file will be displayed on the GUI at the rate given by the slider. The rate can change dynamically -- the input file does not have to be read all the way through, neither is the user required to stop the word display in order to change the rate of display. Individual words can be displayed in a textfield, textarea, or other appropriate output component. The user is also given a control to change the font size of the displayed word. This should be in the form of labelled radio buttons with font sizes: 12, 14, 18. The user is also given a button to start the display. The user is given a button to stop the display. GUI components: slider for wpm button: start display button: stop display radio buttons: font size output component: word. The input file can be hard-coded for this homework. The window control buttons must work properly. The window must have a title. Turn in: Hard copy of source code Screen shot Demo and code walk thru. Grading based on: Meets specs GUI look Code readability Code elegance