COSC 231 Project #3 Making form letters Distributed: 9/25/2014 Due: 10/7/2014 Write HTML, CSS and Javascript pages. The user supplies a name and clicks one of three buttons to generate a form letter. The name must be used at least twice in a form letter. Each form letter totals at least 50 characters. The button click will specify which form letter to generate. The text input should be done via a text box (inside a form). The button choices are: offer employment, eviction from leased property, dear john letter ( The output should be directed to a div that is bordered. Example use: User enters "Brunhilde" to input box, then click on button "Propose marriage". The following text is generated and placed in the output div. "Dear Brunhilde: You are the best. Please be mine forever. Brunhilde, I cannot live without you. Marry me by next week or there will be consequences. Brunhilde, say 'yes'." Your friend, Sigurd" The actual content of the form letters is up to you. The "look" (colors, placement, decorations, ...) is up to you. You will be graded on the look.for style. CSS: use internal style or inline style (not external). Turn in: Hardcopy of code Screen shot showing user-supplied name and text output. Grade based on: Satisfying specs 75% Good style and look of displayed page: 10% Readable, documented code: 15%